Wireless Charging Exposed! An Insider's Perspective

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The company has just finished publishing a series of blogs that share inside knowledge gained from years of research on wireless chargers.  The blog series is a must read for anyone frustrated with their wireless charging experience as well as those contemplating moving their smartphone charging from wired to wireless.

While there are several blogs online that teach the basics of how to use a wireless charger, none provide objective insight into the inner workings that directly affect a user's experience.  Questions such as "Why does it take so long to charge wirelessly?", "What type of charger should I buy?", "Should I buy a charger with a fan?", "What do charger wattage labels mean?", "Can a wireless charger damage my phone?", and more, are all answered.  The answers to these questions are surprising.

There are five blogs in the series, each covering a different aspect of wireless charging.  

*Qi is a wireless charging standard for providing 5-15 watts of power to small personal electronics.  The Qi standard is maintained by the Wireless Power Consortium.

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